
"God is the One Who creates everything."

"God is the One Who creates everything. Every incident is for the best and brings goodness because every incident is created by the Greatest Artist, the Most Beautiful Wisdom. One would see the good and the auspicious aspect of everything when he looks at every incident with goodness. Looking at everything with such an approach is a special talent God created in people. There is also an evil eye. When you look at things with an evil eye you would see everything dark. If you use your talent to see everything with goodness, you would see that everything is for the best. Knowing that God’s infinite power is everywhere, one needs to look at everything with the intent to see the good in it." Adnan Oktar

"One needs to pray to God for sincerity."

"One needs to pray to God for sincerity. Sincerity is easy and refreshing. One would instantly feel de-stressed. After sincerity selfishness would come to an end as well. A sincere person who understand the Greatness of God in the perfect sense would become the greatest spiritual power in the world." Adnan Oktar

"We want to go to Heaven wealthy."

"We want to go to Heaven wealthy. This wealth could only be attained by acquiring good deeds for the good pleasure of God at every moment in this world. One would pray to God for a long life in this respect. Since we acquire good deeds in time, long time would enable us to gain a lot of good deeds and thus enable us to go to Heaven wealth." Adnan Oktar

"Love is the most exalted art in this world."

"Love is the most exalted art in this world. Exalted love and passion is a blessing given only to those wise ones with profound faith. There is no other form of art that is above this love in this world." Adnan Oktar

"One should not be overwhelmed with demoralization."

"One should not be overwhelmed with demoralization. It is very easy to recover one’s morale. You go and wash your hands and face, say ‘what am I doing?’ and recover immediately. One needs to know that God is the Creator of everything and instantly see that there is no need to be demoralized." Adnan Oktar

"People may receive a very good education in their dreams as well."

"People may receive a very good education in their dreams as well. They might see many things in their dreams that they would not be able to see in their normal lives and thus attain maturity of soul." Adnan Oktar